Credence Credit is a credit counselling and debt settlement firm. We offer debt solutions to individuals and businesses with their debts. Whatever financial problems you have, we will approach your situation with compassion. You can count on us to help you get a fresh start. We represent YOU the Debtor, not your Creditors. At Credence credit we will help you apply for home-equity loan with the review of your financial situations before you borrow any more money. We will do that by evaluating your situations with pros and cons of borrowing based on you current situation and advise you accordingly which would suit you the best. Our main goal and priority make sure you understand all terms of loans while making comfortable payments without the compromise of other bills. Get a 100% free consultation to discuss your current situation. A free consultation with a Registered and licensed Credit Counsellor takes less than 10 minutes. Call 1 800-977-8967 today. Let a Licensed Credit Counsellor help you make an informed educated decision.