- 3D Design0
- Abrasives0
- Construction0
- Accommodation0
- Accounts Receivables0
- Address Sign0
- adult massage0
- Advertising and Marketing0
- aerial advertising0
- Agriculture and Fishing0
- Alternative0
- Automotive0
- Auto General0
- Auto Rental0
- Auto Repairs0
- Car Wash0
- Dealerships0
- Gas Stations0
- Autos0
- Bakeries11
- Basketball0
- Biology0
- Building & Renovation0
- Business Services0
- Cabrio0
- Café & Tea14
- Clothing0
- Clothing & Accessories0
- Companies0
- Computers & Accessories0
- Console0
- Construction0
- Defence & Security0
- Dining, Food & Drink0
- Distributor & Wholesaler0
- Education0
- Electrical Equipment0
- Electrical Servoces0
- Electronics & Accessories0
- Employment0
- Entertainment0
- Estate Car / SUV0
- Family Services9
- Fiber Lashes 3D0
- Finance0
- Financial Services & Supplies0
- Fitness0
- Food0
- Football0
- Forestry, Mining and Oil0
- Furniture & others0
- Gambling0
- General0
- General Services0
- Gifts0
- Golf0
- Grocery & Specialty Foods0
- Health & Wellness0
- Home & Garden0
- Electrical Equipment0
- Industrial Supplies & Services0
- Insurance0
- Internet0
- Legal Services0
- Libraries0
- Limousines0
- Local Beaches0
- Maps0
- Media0
- Medical equipment & supplier0
- Medicine0
- Movies0
- Agriculture and Fishing0
- Music0
- Outdoor0
- Parks and gardens0
- Pet Services & Supplies0
- Physics0
- Pickup Truck0
- Plumbers0
- Pools (Indoor and Outdoor) & Splashpads0
- printing0
- Programming0
- Psychology0
- Real Estate & Property Management0
- Restaurants0
- Casual Dining & Pubs0
- Roleplaying0
- Roofing0
- Salon and Spa0
- Sedan0
- Shopping0
- Small Cars0
- Software0
- Sports & Recreation0
- Sports cars / Coupe0
- Television0
- Tools0
- Transportation0
- Travel0
- Travel0
- Vans & Minibus0
- Wedding Services & Supplies0
- Wine & Spirits0
Are you going through problems and need someone to talk to? We can help. Be Whole Counselling Services offers the following: - Marriage Counselling - Family Counselling - Couples Therapy
An Inuit word meaning "Are you friendly?" On the Arctic tundra, when two people met, one would rub his chest and say "chimo". The reply was to rub your chest and repeat "chimo". It was also used as an exclusive Canadian greeting around the time of the Centennial. Over time the meaning of the word “chimo” has been shorten to mean friend or friendship. Chimo (greeting), a greeting from the Inuktitut language of northern Canada, also used in some parts of Southern Ontario and Western Canada.
Durham Farm and Rural Family Resources provides quality and flexible children's services and programs to farm and rural families in Durham Region. Our goals, Reduce injury for children living on farms in Durham Region. Increase opportunities for programs for children and their families living in the north of Durham Region. Increase communication and coordination between agencies offering services in the north of Durham Region. We are a registered, charitable, non-profit organization supported by grants, fundraising, donations and memberships. Our organization was established in 1988 to address the rising incidence of injuries to children being taken into the farm workplace. In the early 1990's a survey demonstrated the need for family resource centres. DFRFR is governed by a seven member board of directors which represent each of our program areas and the community at large.